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About Us

We are a mix of working graduates and current students from universities across Europe (Imperial College London, ETH Zurich, TU München, University College London). We all had different reasons to learn or relearn Python: Some for a job requirement, others for academic courses or projects and others for hobby projects. But we all share our enthusiasm for this programming language.

When you learn a new programming language, you more often than not focus on learning the functionalities rather than the approaches. While functionality is essential to code, it is usually easy to find an online resource to look it up again.

This is only sometimes the case for a coding convention, as it is a much more abstract concept. However, from our experiences, these conventions should take an equally important focus from the beginning. They help you not fall into the “analysis paralysis“ loophole and feel confident about the code you write. This will become more relevant as you get familiar with Python and even more if you plan to work in a professional environment.

Our goal is to create such a guide: giving you a good enough overview of the Python fundamentals alongside their nuances to make you feel confident when you use them.